Late Summer School

for Ultrasound

The 11th Late Summer School for Ultrasound 2024 "FAST and Furious"

in Graz


In the spirit of #FOAMed, all lectures will be live-streamed and later available as videos on demand. Scripts on all topics covered and both technical and didactic manuals for local organizers will be provided – free of charge, right here on this website.

First steps with sonography…

The course offers participants an opportunity to get in touch with sonography based on cardinal symptoms.


When? 11th to 13th of October 2024
Where? Hörsaalzentrum, Universitätsklinikum Graz
Participation fee? 50€

For all those who cannot attend the LSS live, the presentations are available for free as livestream and video.

The link to our live stream will be posted here soon!

You can find the videos here.

Lectures by clinical experts

The lectures are held by medical doctors from all around the world who are generously sharing their clinical experience and expertise.

High share of hands-on sessions

Hands-on sessions in groups of five students, overseen by two student peer teachers, in a friendly atmosphere, make up more than half of the overall course.

Learning objectives…

…are for participants to understand the indications and limitations for the focused use of diagnostic ultrasound, gaining the necessary hands-on skills for performing the exam and making the correct decision for further treatment based on the findings.

Going international…

Via interactive video conference, students from many different venues will be able to participate in the lectures, while the hands-on sessions will be held locally by student peer teachers.

Guidelines for the registration process

50 students will be offered a place.

In order to take part in the “Late Summer School”, fill in a registration form during the designated registration period (name and e-mail address are obligatory). Students of the Medical University of Graz are expected to use their addresses.

The participants will be drawn by lot. Please have in mind, that the moment of application within the registration period will not have any influence on your chance of taking part in the “Late Summer School”.

We are sorry that students who have already participated at one of our Summer Schools will not be allowed to take part once again.

There will be a participation fee of 50€. It should be transferred to our bank account by 07. July 2024.
Your assigned place is pending until we receive your payment. You will only receive your final confirmation after in-payment.

There is no need for any specific previous knowledge to take part at our Late Summer School. However, being in the clinical part of your studies will be profitable not only for your learning success, but it will also guarantee a common base of the participating students.

Please let us know as early as possible, if you need to cancel your participation, so that we can offer the place to another student. Be aware, that it is not allowed to pass your place to one of your friends/colleagues. There will be a waiting list and we’ll assign free places according to the waiting list which is also drawn by lot.

Please keep in mind, that if you cancel your registration, a refund of money cannot be guaranteed due to logistical and organizational reasons.

Due to the Covid-19 situation the Late Summer School will take place under hygienic guidelines.